Google Classroom
Google Classroom Parent Guide for Middle and High School
Google Classroom in Middle and High School at ISM
As many parents are aware, we use Google Classroom across the Middle and High School at ISM.
So, what exactly is Google Classroom?
Google Classroom is a blended learning platform developed by Google for schools that aims to simplify creating, distributing and grading assignments in a paperless way between teachers and students.
One feature of Google Classroom is the ‘Classroom Email Summaries for Guardians’, you can watch this 2 minute video for an overview of Google Classroom for Parent/Guardians.
Parents do not have a Classroom log in so do not need to install the app.
Click to check if you have accepted the Guardian Summary invitation. This is best done on a laptop.
Google Classroom Overview for Parent/Guardians
Parent and Guardian Google Classroom Email Summaries
Email summaries for guardians
As a guardian, you can receive email summaries showing your student’s progress in classroom.
You can choose the frequency of the emails, such as daily or weekly. We suggest that you choose weekly summaries.
You can unsubscribe or remove yourself from Classroom at any time.
Guardian email summaries include:
Missing work—Work that’s late at the time the email was sent. It is worth noting that teachers sometimes extend deadlines or receive work by hand. This Google Classroom feature can make the 'Missing work' summary a little misleading. If a teacher has a concern with a student not submitting their work they will be in touch with you directly, so you don't need to follow up on items marked as 'Missing work'.
Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or work that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails)
Class activity—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers
How to receive summaries
As a guardian, you must receive and accept an email invitation before you can receive email summaries.
You have 120 days to accept an invitation before it expires.
Our IT administrator will email you an invitation for your child.
The email address used is taken from your PowerSchool, it is important to keep your PowerSchool records up to date.
This must be done on a laptop/desktop and not a mobile device.
Click Accept.
If you’re not the guardian, click I’m Not The Guardian.
If you are using a Gmail account you can change your settings by looking at the bottom of any email summary and clicking Settings.
Google Classroom FAQ:
I didn't receive any email summary this week, do you know why?
You won’t receive an email summary if:
There's no activity in Google Classroom to report for the given time period.
You selected No summaries for how often you’d like to receive emails.
You aren't connected to any students in Classroom
How can I remove myself as a guardian
You can remove yourself as a student's guardian at anytime.
If you have a Google Account:
At the bottom of any email summary, click Settings.
Next to the student’s name, click Delete Remove.
If you don't have a Google Account:
At the bottom of any email summary, click Unsubscribe.
Click Unsubscribe again to confirm that you want to permanently remove yourself as a guardian.
The student receives an email that you were removed from their account.
I want guardian summaries sent to a different email address. Can I change the address?
Yes. To receive guardian emails at a different email address:
Contact our IT Coordinator's Patrick or Tim and ask them to delete your current address and re-invite you at the new address. (Also update your email address on Powerschool)
You will then receive a new invite to your email account, open the invitation and click Accept.
Can I sign in to Classroom and view my student’s work and classes? Can I sign in to the Classroom mobile app?
Guardians can’t sign in to Classroom, either on a computer or on a mobile device. To see a an email summary of your student’s work, you must receive an email invitation from ISM Google Classroom.
Google Classroom Email Summary Settings
Google Classroom Email Summary